Create Your Own Holiday Gift Collection

While almost everybody loves chocolate, you’re likely to have greater insight into what the person you’re gifting enjoys most. That’s why we’re inviting you to Create Your Own Holiday Gift Collection this season. In the event you elect to do so, rather than select one of our two suggested Collections, please email the following information to us at Upon receipt, we’ll price out your selections, including the proper size gift box and shipping, and send you the invoice for your purchase. Here’s what we’ll need:

  • Your full name and complete billing address
  • Your email address and telephone number
  • The full name and complete shipping address for each gift recipient
  • A list of the selected Buoyant products you would like to gift, for each recipient
  • Any message that you would like to accompany your Holiday Gift Collection, again, for each recipient

If we have any questions, we’ll either email you back or call you before finalizing your purchase. Feel free, of course, to select something for yourself/your family when writing us and we’ll add your personal choice to your overall order. It’s easier than it may seem! We’re looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your support!

Link to our suggested Gift Collections